Tag: Python

  • Unit Testing Difficulty is an Indicator of (Low) Code Quality

    When I started writing better code, I my tests were easier to write, and more likely to pass on the first try

  • Writing a Python script is easy. It turns out that writing a large Python application is much more difficult.

  • Back to the __future__ and import annotations

    When I went to test my project, I discovered that my attempt to avoid circular imports had actually created them. But there are tools that can help.

  • Last week, I mentioned that I had put aside the problem of MyPy not being able to follow my module imports because it was dragging down my productivity and I couldn’t find someone to ask. I found someone to ask, and it took longer to ask than to get a fix. If you are having…

  • I was first diagnosed with dyslexia in my mid-thirties. I have what would be considered “stealth” or “mild” dyslexia which is how I managed to not realize it for three decades. What is dyslexia like? It’s a little different for everyone, and there are different types. In fact, nobody can quite agree what the different…

  • Know when to quit

    How’s that for a first post? New developers will often spend too much time trying to figure out a problem they are stuck on, long past the point they should have asked for help. I recently found myself in that position and wasted an entire week. The worst part? It wasn’t even code itself that…